In logic, set builder (or, set abstraction) operator is syntactically a variable-binding term operator.
Variable-binding term operators constitute a class by themselves: They form terms from terms like functions, but differ from them in that functions do not bind variables. Like quantifiers, variable-binding term operators bind variables, but differ from them in that quantifiers operate on formulas, not on terms. Russell's definite description operator $\iota$ (originally, inverted iota) and Hilbert's $\epsilon$ operator are examples from logic. See also the Wikipedia article for mathematical examples.
The usual notation for set builder/abstraction operator is $\{\;\mid\;\}$ or $\{\;:\;\}$. In order to display its logical form, it may be helpful to represent it as $\sigma x\phi(x)$ in which $\phi$ is a formula defining the comprehension of the set. Thus, for example,
$$\{x\mid x\in\mathbb{N}\}$$
can be represented as $$\sigma x(x\in\mathbb{N})$$
The occurrences of the variable $x$ have distinct syntactic roles. In the first occurrence, $x$ is a constituent of the operator prefix $\sigma x$, and in the second occurrence, it is a constituent of the matrix $(x\in\mathbb{N})$, which is an open formula.
Hence, $\sigma y(y\in\mathbb{N})$, $\sigma z(z\in\mathbb{N})$ (and so on with other variable symbols in the language so long as a clash of variables is avoided), are merely alphabetic variations of the same closed term.