Let $E,F,G$ be holomorphic vector bundle, if we have the short exact sequence of holomorphic vector bundle:
$$0\to E\to F\to G \to 0$$
We have the splitting as smooth vector bundle however not the holomorphic vector bundle.
I don't know where the following arguement goes wrong, consider the local holomorphic frame on $E$ as $e_1,...,e_r$ and on $G$ as $f_1,...,f_k$.
As the short exact sequence is fiberwise split, we have the pointwise defined basis on each fiber of $F$ as $\{e_1,...,e_r,f_1,...,f_k\}$.
Therefore the transition matrix for $F$ should be diagonal in this setting ?? However I see in some place the transition function for $F$ is upper triangular matrix not the diagonal matrix I don't understand where goes wrong with the arguement above?(is it because the pointwise defined $\{e_1,...,e_r,f_1,...,f_k\}$ basis needs not to be holomorphic frame)
I know to prove the splitting for smooth setting is to use the fact that any complex vector bundle admits the hermitian metric,therefore the metric on $F$ will induce metric on the subbundle $E$(by restriction), and then we have the normal subbundle under this Hermitian metric on $F$ (this normal complement needs not to holomorphic bundle in general, since Hermitian metric as smooth bundle morphism, not holomorphic bundle morphism )
However I don't know where goes wrong in the arguement in the box, and what's the transition function for $F$ given $E$ and $G$?