This seems to be a duplicate of What is the geometric, physical or other meaning of the tetration?
From the earlier answer of mine:
There is an entry in citizendium, where D. Kousnetzov describes
his proposed general solution for the tetration-function. He links to
some papers of his own where he gives more examples (there are only
few so far) of physical applications. (Something with light
transmission in glass-fibers, increasing mass of a downwards rolling
snowball). Also I came once across an article called "wexzal" where
the authors use the inverse of $\ ^2x$ to solve for aeroplane
propulsion, and for dynamics in the explosion "chamber" of a gun-shot.
I'll give another (own) example later where one looks at growth processes (like interest) over time and the result for one time-period is feeded back for a new time-period equivalent to the result.(I'll have to make it a bit more explicite).
For the justification of tetration of non-integer heights it might suffice to imagine a stack of replications of the complex plane. Mark a complex-coordinate $z_0$ at the lowest plane. Go one step higher and mark the complex number $z_1$ where $z_1 = b^{z_0}$ (where b is some base which you have chosen in the beginning) in the second plane. Proceed with iterating that operation for several (or infinitely many) steps.
Now we can try to imagine a vertical curve through all that points $z_0,z_1,z_2,...$ - in the simplest way of interpolation the vertical curve has a spiral form with windings around a fixpoint (if an attracting complex fixpoint exists for our base b and reachable from your initial value $z_0$). Surely there are infinitely many such curves, but it does not seem illogical that one of such curves has the most meaningful interpretation as interpolation for noninteger, real heights of our operation.
The imagination might possibly be improved, if we do not assume a staple of complex planes but having the planes rolled to cyclinders because of the periodicity of the exp-function for multiples of $ 2 \pi i $ - and possibly it is even better to imagine concentric spheres, whose surfaces represent the complex Riemann-sphere, and imagine then the connecting curves as trajectories of the real-values, continuous heights of iteration through the surfaces of the spheres.
The article of D. Kouznetsov (1) mentioned above contains an approach for interpolation to such real and even complex heights.
(1) D.Kouznetsov. (2009). "Solutions of F(z+1)=\exp(F(z)) in the complex zplane.". Mathematics of Computation, 78: 1647-1670. DOI:10.1090/S0025-5718-09-02188-7