Let's say I work on the inequality $|x-1|>x-2$ in the following way:
$$ |x-1|>x-2 ⇔ x-1≥0 \quad ∧ \quad |x-1|>x-2 \quad ∨ \quad x-1<0 \quad ∧ \quad |x-1|>x-2 \\ ⇔ x-1≥0 \quad ∧ \quad x-1>x-2 \quad ∨ \quad x-1<0 \quad ∧ \quad -(x-1)>x-2 \\ ⇔ x-1≥0 \quad ∧ \quad -1>-2 \quad ∨ \quad x-1<0 \quad ∧ \quad -(x-1)>x-2 $$
In $x-1≥0 ∧ -1>-2$ there is the true statement $-1>-2$ . So the truth value of the whole statment $$ x-1≥0 ∧ -1>-2 $$ only depends on $x-1≥0$ . If $x-1≥0$ is true, then the whole statment is true, if $x-1≥0$ is false then whole statment is false. So I should be able to write the following $$ x-1≥0 ∧ -1>-2 ⇔ x-1≥0 $$ I think that I can prove that I am allowed to write $$ x-1≥0 ∧ -1>-2 ⇔ x-1≥0 $$ with the help of a truth table in the following way: We know that the statement $B$ is true. With this knowledge we analyse the statement $$ A∧B⇔A $$ with the help of a truth table:
$A$ | $B$ | $A$ | $∧$ | $B$ | $⇔$ | $A$ | |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
1 for "true", 0 for "false". The first two columns show all the possible truth values the statements A and B can have.
As you can see in the truth table, the equivalence ⇔ has always the truth value of 1. This proves that if you have a statement B that is true, you can write $$ A∧B⇔A . $$ So coming back to the equations: this proves that I am allowed to write $$ x-1≥0 ∧ -1>-2 ⇔ x-1≥0 . $$
I also analysed this $$ A∨B⇔A $$ statement in a similar way: We know that the statement B is false. With this knowledge we analyse the statement $$ A∨B⇔A $$ with the help of a truth table:
$A$ | $B$ | $A$ | $∨$ | $B$ | $⇔$ | $A$ | |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
As you can see in the truth table, the equivalence ⇔ has always the truth value of 1.
So first I want to know, up to this point, is everything correct?
I have another question which is similar. Let's say I work on a set of equations and get to the following point: $$ \frac{20}{x} = \sqrt{(41-x^2 )} ∧ y=\frac{20}{x} $$ Now, in a side-calculation, I work on the left equation by squaring it $$ \frac{20}{x} = \sqrt{(41-x^2 )} ⟹ \frac{400}{x^2} =41-x^2 $$ Now I use this Information in my set of equations, like this: $$ \frac{20}{x} = \sqrt{(41-x^2 )} ∧ y=\frac{20}{x} ⟹ \frac{400}{x^2} =41-x^2 ∧ y=\frac{20}{x} $$
I want to check if I actually can write the Implication-Arrow "⟹" there. I do this by using a truth table again, in the following way: We know that $$ A⇒C $$ is true (thats the squaring in the side-calculation). With this knowledge we analyse the statement $$ A ∧ B ⇒ C ∧ B $$ with the help of a truth table:
$A$ | $B$ | $A$ | $∧$ | $B$ | $⟹$ | $C$ | $∧$ | $B$ | |
0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | ? | ? | 1 | |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | ? | 0 | 0 | |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
I put the question marks there because if $A$ is false, we don't know what truth value $C$ has, even if $A⇒C$ is a tautology. All we know from the tautology $A⇒C$ is, that if $A$ is true, then $C$ is also true. The truth table proves that the statement $$ A ∧ B ⇒ C ∧ B $$ with: $A⇒C$ is true
is always true. That means it's correct to write an implication arrow here: $$ \frac{20}{x} = \sqrt{(41-x^2 )} ∧ y=\frac{20}{x} ⟹ \frac{400}{x^2} =41-x^2 ∧ y=\frac{20}{x} $$
Again I have analysed the same stuff with the logical OR $∨$ : We know that $$ A⇒C $$ is true. With this knowledge we analyse the statement $$ A ∨ B ⇒ C ∨ B $$ with the help of a truth table:
$A$ | $B$ | $A$ | $∨$ | $B$ | $⟹$ | $C$ | $∨$ | $B$ | |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ? | 1 | 1 | |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | ? | ? | 0 | |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
The truth table proves that the statement $$ A ∨ B ⇒ C ∨ B $$ with: $A⇒C$ is true
is always true.
Are all these thoughts correct ?
@ryang thank you for your answer. Yes I do know about the quantifier ∀x. Maybe I'll write the following to lay some groundwork, so that you also know where I stand with my knowledge: We can think of two predicates $$ A(x):(x=2 \Rightarrow x^2=4) \ \ \ \ \mathrm{and} \ \ \ \ B(x):(x^2=4 \Rightarrow x=2 ) $$ There are real numbers that turn the predicate $A(x)$ into a true statement for eg. $A(3)$ is true, $A(2)$ is true, $A(-2)$ is true. There are real numbers that turn the predicate $B(x)$ into a true statement for eg. $B(3)$ is true, $B(2)$ is true. We can easily see that $B(-2)$ is false. Now it turns out that the statement $$ \forall x\in \mathbb R: A(x) $$ is a true statement and that the statement $$ \forall x\in \mathbb R: B(x) $$ is a false statement (just by looking at the truth value of $B(-2)$ ). The reason that we definitely know that $$ \forall x\in \mathbb R: A(x) $$ is a true statement is because we know that $$ t_1=t_2 \Rightarrow f(t_1)=f(t_2) $$ (with a function $f$) is a tautology, because that's just what functions do (input→output). So when we do our usual rearrangings of equations, we actually use functions on both sides of the equation. If the function $f$ is injective we can actually put the equivalence arrow $⇔$ there. The function used in the predicate $A(x)$ looks like this $$ f:t\mapsto t^2 $$ First I wanted to know, what do you think about the first two truth tables? Are they and the thoughts behind them (how I set them up and how I used them to prove my point) correct?
Regarding your first point, I meant it this way: We know that $$ A⇒C $$ is true/a tautology. With this knowledge we analyse the statement $$ A ∧ B ⇒ C ∧ B $$ with the help of a truth table.
So I don't think that the truth table you posted is actually correct or maybe I should say, it doesn't represent what I am trying to do. Because the statement $$ A⇒C $$ should always have a truth value of 1 since it is a tautology. This should represent the step in the side-calculation where I squared the equation
$$ \frac{20}{x} = \sqrt{(41-x^2 )} ⟹ \frac{400}{x^2} =41-x^2. $$
I was trying to prove with a truth table that I can actually write the Implication-Arrow $⟹$ here $$ \frac{20}{x} = \sqrt{(41-x^2 )} ∧ y=\frac{20}{x} ⟹ \frac{400}{x^2} =41-x^2 ∧ y=\frac{20}{x}. $$
That's why the third and fourth truth table look the way they do. Is it possible to set the truth tables up the way that I did to prove my point?
Regarding your point: "Furthermore, it is not generally valid to determine the truth of a predicate-logic formula by simply dropping its quantifiers and ignoring the internal structure of $Q(x)$ by pretending that it is just $Q$."
But are we not doing this actually pretty often? For example, let's say I work on the following set of equations
$$ y=\frac{1}{6}x^2 \ \ \land \ \ x^2+y^2=16 $$ like this $$ y=\frac{1}{6}x^2 \ \ \land \ \ x^2+y^2=16 \iff 6y=x^2 \ \ \land \ \ x^2+y^2=16 \iff 6y=x^2 \ \ \land 6y+y^2=16 \\ \iff 6y=x^2 \ \ \land \ \ (y=2 \lor y=-8) \iff 6y=x^2 \ \land \ y=2 \ \ \lor \ \ 6y=x^2 \ \land \ y=-8 $$ The reason I knew that this step $$ 6y=x^2 \ \ \land \ \ (y=2 \lor y=-8) \iff 6y=x^2 \ \land \ y=2 \ \ \lor \ \ 6y=x^2 \ \land \ y=-8 $$ is valid, is because earlier I looked at the truth table of $$ A \ \land \ (B \lor C) \iff A \ \land \ B \ \ \lor \ \ A \ \land \ C. $$ The truth table shows me that $$ A \ \land \ (B \lor C) \iff A \ \land \ B \ \ \lor \ \ A \ \land \ C. $$ is a tautology, so that's why I used this when I worked on my sets of equations.
I hope you see my point.