I have a principal ideal domain $A$, and am trying to show that a variety of $A$-modules are non-isomorphic. So I am looking for 'invariants' of $A$-modules, by which I mean mappings $M\mapsto f(M)\in\mathbb{Z}$ taking $A$-modules to the integers (or some other set if need be) where if $M$ and $N$ are isomorphic, then $f(M)=f(N)$. Then if $f(M)\neq f(N)$, we know that $M$ and $N$ are not isomorphic.
So far I have $f(M):=\dim_K(K\otimes_A M)$ and $g(M):=\dim_{A/I}(M/IM)$, where $K$ is the field of fractions of $A$ and $I$ is a maximal ideal. Composing with the contravariant hom-functor $D:=\text{Hom}(-,K/I_1)$ gives $f(D(M))$ and $g(D(M))$ as two others and finally $M\mapsto\text{ann}(M)$, mapping into the ideals in $A$.
These should be enough for what I am doing right now, but I anticipate needing to have a range of such invariants at my fingertips in the future... so what are some good examples?