
I am new to the topic of random matrix theory (RMT) and am looking to learn about non-commutative probability spaces and some of the applications to RMT.

Do you know good lecture notes, treatments, or books on the subject?

I came across a unital functional $\varphi$ which in RMT functions a bit like a trace (the expected average trace to be precise) and saw this defined in conjunction with commutative and "free" random variables and non-commutative ones. These terms, including "free probability" are all new to me and I am looking to learn these techniques.

Thank you so much for your help!

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ I like “Free Probability and Random Matrices” by James Mingo and Roland Speicher. $\endgroup$
    – nejimban
    Commented Jul 8, 2022 at 14:15

1 Answer 1


These are the resources I could gather in the form of an answer. Some of these I have not personally read but have found "enough" positive reviews (both online and from professors). Firstly, a very popular text (also mentioned in a comment above):

Additionally, I came across these two "short" (lecture) notes:

Hope these resources would help you at least get a nice introduction to the subject.


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