The question is:
Assume we change the bisection method into "tertiary bisection" which divides the interval into 3 parts and chooses the one from the left which is minimal and changes sign. e.g in the following sketch
if the first interval is $[a,b]$ and we assign $h1=a-\frac {(b-a)} 3$,$h2=a-\frac {2(b-a)} 3$, then the chosen interval is $[a,h1]$.Give a formula for the accuracy of the method after n iterations. Is this method "better" then "regular" bisection (hint: calculate how many actions exist in iteration and compare between the algorithms).
In each iteration we define two new points and choose an interval in third of the original length. so I thought after n iterations the accuracy will be $(\frac 2 3)^n $. If it's correct, then since $\frac 2 3>\frac 1 2$whis algorithm is not as efficient as the "original" bisection. Am I right (in both sub-questions)?