Let $X$ be a topological space and $C \subseteq X$ closed. Give $X/C$ the quotient topology and suppose $X$ is normal. Then this implies that $X/C$ is normal.
Normal in my case is T1 and closed disjoint sets are contained in disjoint opens.
I think this should be quite easy to solve, however I am stuck on one part.
Here's my attempt: Suppose $D , F$ are closed disjoint sets in $X/C$. Then $\pi^{-1}(D)$ and $\pi^{-1}(F)$ are closed in $X$ since $\pi$ is continuous. Now, $X$ is normal so there exist disjoint opens $U$ and $V$ than contain $\pi^{-1}(D)$ and $\pi^{-1}(F)$ resp. Now does it hold that $\pi(U)$ and $\pi(V)$ are open in $X/C$, i.e. is $ \pi$ an open map? Does it also hold that $\pi(\pi^{-1}(D)) =D$ and $\pi(\pi^{-1}(F)) =F$? Then the rest of the proof is easy.
But I don't seem to find if $\pi$ is an open map. I think my last question should hold since $\pi$ is surjective, but I'm not confident that that is true.