I was asked to show the following: Let $A$ be a finite dimensional algebra. If $S$ is a finite dimensional semisimple $A$-module, $M$ is also a finite dimensional $A$-module and $nM\cong nS$ for some $n\in \mathbb{N}$ then $M\cong S$.
The hint suggests me to use Jordan-Holder series. I don't why it leads to $M\cong S$. I can only do the following: Let $S=\oplus S_i$. Since $nM\cong nS$, we know that the $S_i$ are all the composition factors of $M$. And I argue randomly like following: If $M\not\cong \oplus S_i$, then we have $[M]\ne0\in \mathrm{Ext}(\oplus S_{i-1},S_i)$, so $[nM]\ne0\in\mathrm{Ext}(n(\oplus S_{i-1}),nS_i)$ which leads to a contradiction. Is it true? Also I'm not allowed to use $\mathrm{Ext}$. How to prove that under this condition?