It is well-known that a local ring $A$ with maximal ideal $\mathfrak{m}$ of depth zero is not necessarily artinian (e.g. $k[x,y]/(xy, x^2)$ localised at the origin), but what if we further require that $A$ is reduced? I know (or at least am very sure) the answer is yes, a reduced noetherian local ring of depth zero is artinian, but I'm having trouble showing it. Another way to phrase the problem is that if every element of $\mathfrak{m}$ is a zero divisor, then $\operatorname{Ann} \mathfrak{m} \neq 0$, and the key difficulty for me is going from "everything is annihilated by something" to "something annihilates everything". Any help would be much appreciated!
EDIT: and of course, such an artinian ring would be a field.