A first order linear system is any PDE of the form
$$q_t(x, t) + A q_x(x, t) = 0$$
Where $q(x,t):\mathbb{R}\times\mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}^n$ is a vector function, and $A$ is an $n\times n$ matrix satisfying the hyperbolicity condition, i.e. diagonalizable with real eigenvalues.
$q_t, q_x$ designate the derivatives with respect to time $t$ and space coordinate $x$, respectively.
We can easily see that the second order -classical- wave equation in one dimension $$u_{tt}= c^2u_{xx}$$ can be written as a first order linear system of two equations, simply by taking $v_t=cu_x\ ,\ v_x= \frac{1}{c}u_t$ ; \begin{align*} &v_{tx}= cu_{xx} \\ &v_{tx}= \frac{1}{c}u_{tt} \end{align*} To obtain $u_{tt}= c^2u_{xx}$ , so here the first order system is \begin{align*} &v_t- cu_x= 0 \\ &u_t- cv_x= 0 \end{align*} Meaning we take $q= (u,v):\ \mathbb{R}\times\mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}^2$ and $A= \Big(\begin{matrix} 0 & -c \\ -c & 0 \end{matrix}\Big)$
Now for the $3$-dimensional wave equation : $$u_{tt}= c^2\Delta u= c^2(u_{xx}+u_{yy}+u_{zz})$$ My question is : Can we turn this equation into a first order linear system or no ?