Consider the joint distribution, $p(\xi_1,...\xi_N)$, with components defined as $\xi_i=\mathrm{sign}(x_i)$, with $(x_1,...,x_N)\sim\mathcal{N}(0,\Sigma)$ with $ \Sigma_{ij}=\delta_{ij}+(1-\delta_{ij})\tilde{\rho} $, i.e. all off-diagonal entries of $\Sigma$ are $\tilde{\rho}$. Since all components $x_i$ have unit variance (i.e. diagonal entries of $\Sigma$ are $1$), $\tilde{\rho}$ is then the correlation of any pair $(x_i,x_j)$. Note that
- all single component marginals $p(\xi_i)=1/2$, i.e. the coins are unbiased;
- we can always set the value of $\tilde{\rho}$ so that any pair $(\xi_i,\xi_j)$ has the desired correlation of $\rho$.
What is the formula for the entropy of $p(\xi_1,...\xi_N)$, denoted $H_N(\rho)$?
The parametrization of $\tilde{\rho}$ by $\rho$ depends on $N$ and is obtained by calculating the pair marginal probability $p(\xi_i=1,\xi_j=1)$, denoted $p_{11}$. Let $f_N(\tilde{\rho})$ be the function of $\tilde{\rho}$ that gives this probability. The formula for the correlation between two binary random variables, $$ \rho=\frac{p_{11}-p_{-1}p_1}{\sqrt{p_{-1}(1-p_{-1})p_1(1-p_1)}}={4}p_{11}-1\;, $$ with $p_{\pm1}$ denoting $p(\xi_i=\pm 1)=p(\xi_j=\pm 1)=1/2$, gives the desired parametrization, $$ \tilde{\rho}_N(\rho):=f^{-1}_N\left(\frac{\rho+1}{4}\right)\;.\;\;\;\;(\mathrm{eq}.1) $$
Solution for $N=2$:
Computing the 2D Gaussian integral using spherical coordinates gives $\tilde{\rho}_{N=2}(\rho)=\sin(\frac{\pi}{2}\rho)$. In this special case, $(\mathrm{eq}.1)$ and symmetry constraints completely specify the distribution $p(\xi_1,\xi_2)=(1+\xi_1\xi_2\rho)/4$. Calculation of the entropy from its definition gives
$$ H_{N=2}(\rho)=H(\xi_1,\xi_2)=\sum_{\eta=(1\pm\rho)/4}2\left(-\eta\log_2\eta\right). $$
We have $H_{N=2}(0)=2$ bits and $H_{N=2}(1)=1$ bit. In fact, we know $H_N(\rho=0)=N$ and $H_N(\rho=1)=1$ for all $N$.
For $N>2$:
There are lots of Gaussian integrals to do. Due to the symmetry in the index permutations there are only $N$ distinct integral values among the $2^N$ terms in the entropy. They can be grouped by how many 1s they contain. The pair of all $-1$s can be grouped with the singleton group of all $1$s due to the reflective symmetry in the plane normal to the main diagonal. We just need compute the multiplicity and the integral for each of the $N$ terms.
E.g. for $N=2$ there are 2 terms (listed above with multiplicity 2). For $N=3$ there are three terms (two for tuples containing one and two 1s), the third being the extreme group having $(-1,-1,-1)$ and $(1,1,1)$ in binary notation.
In section 3.2 of this paper, Six gives a recursive solution to the distribution. This could be used to compute the entropy and the parametrization function $\tilde{\rho}_N(\rho)$.
Accepted Answer: In the end, an alternative approach based on expressing $x_i=\sqrt{1-\tilde{\rho}}y_i+\sqrt{\tilde{\rho}}s$, with $y_i,s\sim\mathcal{N}(0,1)$, seems to be more straightforward and is the accepted answer below. That answer also indicates that the $f_N(\tilde{\rho})$ does NOT seem to depend on $N$ after all.