Let $k$ be a field and $\{V_i\}_{i \in I}$ and $\{W_j\}_{j \in J}$ be a collection of $k$-vector spaces. We have a canonical map $$\left(\prod_{i \in I} V_i\right)\otimes \left(\prod_{j \in J} W_j\right)\to \prod_{(i,j)\in I\times J} V_i\otimes W_j: (v_i)_{i \in I}\otimes (w_j)_{j \in J}\mapsto (v_i\otimes w_j)_{(i,j)\in I\times J}.$$ Is this map injective in general? I can prove this for the direct sum, because there I can simply use a basis, however the direct product doesn't have a nice basis so I don't know how to proceed here. I tried tricks with linear independency, linear functionals etc.
Thanks in advance for any help!