I'm having trouble understanding the definitions I've been reading, of what has been called an 'induced coboundary operator' or a 'connecting homomorphism' depending on what source you're reading.
Firstly, the what I've been working with is the Cech Homology groups are induced by the coboundary operator.
$$\check{H}^p(\mathcal{U},\mathscr{E}) = \frac{\ker(\delta:C^p(\mathcal{U},\mathscr{E}) \xrightarrow{} C^{p+1}(\mathcal{U},\mathscr{E}))}{\delta C^{p-1}(\mathcal{U},\mathscr{E})}$$
Where $\mathcal{U} = \{U_\alpha\}$ is a locally finite open cover of our manifold $M$.
Initially we start with a short exact sequence of Sheaves $$0 \xrightarrow{} \mathscr{E} \xrightarrow{\alpha} \mathscr{F} \xrightarrow{\beta} \mathscr{G}\xrightarrow{} 0$$
This induces a map on the Cech cochain complexes
$$C^p(\mathcal{U},\mathscr{E}) \xrightarrow{\alpha} C^p(\mathcal{U},\mathscr{F}) \xrightarrow{\beta} C^p(\mathcal{U},\mathscr{G})$$
Which consequently induces maps on the cohomology groups
$$\check{H}^p(\mathcal{U},\mathscr{E}) \xrightarrow{\alpha_*} \check{H}^p(\mathcal{U},\mathscr{F}) \xrightarrow{\beta_*} \check{H}^p(\mathcal{U},\mathscr{G})$$
All these definitions are fine so far, the problem I encounter is the source I'm reading: "Griffiths & Harris - Principles of Algebraic Geometry", gives a very loose definition of the induced coboundary map
$$\delta_*:\check{H}^p(\mathcal{U},\mathscr{G}) \xrightarrow{} \check{H}^{p+1}(\mathcal{U},\mathscr{E})$$
The definition is contained within a proof of another theorem, it involves diagram chasing, yet is rather difficult to interpret.