Since the surface of a sphere is a 2D manifold, the Riemann Tensor should have only one component. But if I calculate according to $$R^i_{~rkj}= \frac{\partial\Gamma^i_{~jr}}{\partial u^k} -\frac{\partial\Gamma^i_{~kr}}{\partial u^j} +\Gamma^i_{~ks}\Gamma^s_{~jr} -\Gamma^i_{~js}\Gamma^s_{~kr}$$ I get $$R^\theta_{~\phi\theta\phi}=\sin^2\theta$$ and $$R^\phi_{~\theta\phi\theta}=1$$ which are two seemingly independent components (plus of course their negative counterparts because of symmetry reasons).
So, I assume, they are not independent and I should be able to transform one into the other, but I have no idea how.
Can somebody please give me a hint (for dummies, please!)?
Thanks in advance