Is every primitive self-normalizing subgroup of $ SU_n $ maximal?
Here by maximal I mean maximal among proper closed subgroups.
This is true for $ SU_2 $. The only self-normalizing subgroups of $ SU_2 $ are the binary octahedral group, the binary icosahedral group, and $ O_2(\mathbb{R}) $. Of these, only the binary octahedral and binary icosahedral group are primitive.
Recall that we say a subgroup $ G $ of $ GL_n(\mathbb{C}) $ is imprimitive if we can write $ \mathbb{C}^n=V_1 \oplus \dots \oplus V_k $ as a direct sum of smaller subspaces such that every $ g \in G $ just permutes the subspaces. In other words, for any $ g \in G $ the subspaces $ g(V_1) \oplus \dots \oplus g(V_k) $ are just a permutation of $ V_1, \dots, V_k $. That is, $ g(V_i)= V_{\sigma(i)} $. If no such decomposition is possible then we say that $ G $ is primitive.