We are using Cauchy's Theorem for the existence of an element $h$ of order $11$ and an element $k$ of order $13$. Let $H=\langle h \rangle$ and $K=\langle k \rangle$. Note that $H \cap K=1$ (use Lagrange's Theorem).
Step 1: $K \lhd G$.
Proof If $K$ is not normal we can find a $g \in G$, with $K^g:=g^{-1}Kg \neq K$. Note that, as $K$, also $K^g$ is a subgroup of order $13$ and by Lagrange $K \cap K^g=1$ (here we use that $K^g \neq K$). Hence
$$143=|G| \geq |KK^g|=\frac{|K|\cdot|K^g|}{|K \cap K^g|}=|K|\cdot |K^g|=13 \cdot 13 =169$$
a contradiction. $\square$
Step 2: $K \subseteq Z(G)$.
Proof Since $K$ is normal, $G$ acts by conjugation on $K$ leading to a homomorphic embedding $G/C_G(K) \hookrightarrow \text{Aut}(K)$. But $\text{Aut}(K) \cong C_{12}$. So $|G/C_G(K)|$ divides both $12$ and $143$, hence $G=C_G(K)$, equivalent to $K$ being central in $G$. $\square$
Step 3: $G=HK$ (and $H \lhd G$)
Proof $|HK|=\frac{|H|\cdot |K|}{|H \cap K| }= 11 \cdot 13=143$. It follows that $G=HK$. Of course $H$ normalizes $H$ and $K \subseteq Z(G)$ normalizes $H$, whence $H$ is normal in $G$. $\square$
Basically you are done now, since every pair of elements of $G$ commute, indeed $H$, $K$ are abelian and $K$ is central. But one can go one step further.
Step 4: $G \cong H \times K \cong C_{11} \times C_{13} \cong C_{143}.$
Proof (sketch) Every $g \in G$ can be uniquely written as $g=hk$ with $h \in H, k \in K$. This amounts to a bijective homomorphism $G \rightarrow H \times K$, by sending $g$ to $(h,k)$. $\square$
Remark It is well-known that if $n$ is a natural number, then there is only one group of order $n$ if and only if $\text{gcd}(\varphi(n),n)=1$. Of course this group needs to be isomorphic to $C_n$.