Thus, to define the natural numbers, we will use two fundamental concepts: the zero number 0, and the increment operation. (Digression to computer languages...).
We thus see we should have the following axioms concerning 0 and the increment operation ++
Axiom 2.1: 0 is a natural number
Axiom 2.2: if n is a natural number, then n++ is also a natural number
Axiom 2.3: 0 is not the successor of any natural number; i.e., we have $n++ \neq 0 $ of every natural number n
Axiom 2.4: Different natural numbers must have different successor; i.e., if n, m are natural numbers and $ n \neq m$ , then $n++ \neq m++$. Equivalently, if $n++ = m++$ , then we must have $n=m$
Axiom 2.5: Principle of mathematical induction
pg 17,18,19
If you read carefully, the recipe for constructing $\mathbb{N}$ began with an object and some sort of recurrence operation defined on it. The choice of the axioms makes the recurrence act on the subject such that the whole natural number system is generated.
My question is, is there a general theory about such recurrence operation? For example, could there be other interesting number systems developed beginning at $0$ and choosing different axioms conducting the behavior of $++$?