Often we are interested in the sum \[ \sum _{n\leq x}a_n\] for some number theoretic sequence $a_n$ and often the study of the "smooth" sum \[ \sum _{n=1}^\infty a_n\phi _x(n)\] if simpler (so here $\phi _x(n)$ is a nice "smooth" function).
Can anyone provide me with any material that helped them understand "smoothing" better? In particular examples from number theory would be great. This resource on smoothing sums is already pretty good but I'd love to have some more material. I do get the idea, but I'd like to see a few more examples. I often see it used in papers but with all the details left out, and I'm aware that I can't really fill in the gaps in some papers, see e.g. the proof of Theorem 1 here. They don't explicitly say anything about their weight function so I don't really know how to calculate with it - in particular I don't understand the bounds on page 277. (I'm not sure what goes on in the "iterated integration by parts" bit.)
I think Kowalski's book Un cours de théorie analytique des nombres has some stuff on smoothing done with some details, but only in French... does anyone know if there's a translation?