The concept of generic zero of a prime ideal is defined in Lang's Introduction to Algebraic Geometry at page 27 (1972 ed.).
Because the setting is quite weird in my opinion (I have posted another question asking exactly about that), let's provide a concrete example which should do. We consider a prime ideal $\mathfrak p$ of $\mathbb Q[X_1,X_2]$. (I am trying to give concrete examples for the case when $\mathfrak p$ is generated by the irreducible polynomial $f(X_1,X_2)=X_1^2+X_2^2-1$). Then, a generic zero of $\mathfrak p$ is a point $(x_1,x_2)\in \mathbb C^2$ such that
$$ \mathbb Q[X_1,X_2]/\mathfrak p \cong \mathbb Q[x_1,x_2]. $$
Actually, a generic zero of $\mathfrak p$ is defined as a pair $(x_1,x_2)\in\mathbb C$ such that such that $\mathbb Q[X_1,X_2]/\mathfrak p \cong \mathbb Q[x_1,x_2]$ AND the following holds:
A polynomial $g\in\mathbb Q[X_1,X_2]$ belongs to $\mathfrak p$ if and only if $g(x_1,x_2)=0$.
However, I think the first part already implies the second one, does not it?
My goal is to make the link between this definition and the usual definition for schemes. The setting makes things more confusing in my opinion, but the idea is that if the variety is defined by $\mathfrak p$, then a generic point of $V$ is a generic zero of $\mathfrak p$. Here $V$ is regarded as a subset of $\mathbb C^n$ ($n=2$ in my example).
I expect the following:
If $W$ is the set of generic points of $V$, then $W$ is a sub-variety defined by a minimal prime ideal in $\mathbb Q[X_1,X_2]/\mathfrak p$.
In scheme notation, I am thinking about this:
$$ \text{The generic zeros of $\mathfrak p$ are the closed points of the generic point (in the sense of schemes) $\eta\in\operatorname{Spec} \mathbb Q[X_1,\dots,X_n]/\mathfrak p$.} \tag{$\ast$} $$
However, because I am dealing with $\mathbb Q$ and $\mathbb C$ at the same time, I do not know what to expect exactly. Also, I would expect generic zeros to be ''generic'' (dense), but that cannot happen if ($\ast$) holds.
So, to sum up: What is the relation between ''Lang's'' generic points and generic points in the modern sense?
Addendum. A similar definition can be found on pages 19--20 of the book Differential Algebra & Algebraic Groups, by Ellis Robert Kolchin (Academic Press, 1973).
EDIT (17/12/2021)
Thinking a bit more, I have realised that ($\ast$) cannot be true. An easy counterexample to that is provided by an Exercise of the Rising Sea (3.6.M.): Let $\mathfrak p$ the prime ideal of $\mathbb Q[X_1,X_2]$ generated by the polynomial
$$ f(X_1,X_2)=X_2-X_1^2. $$
Then,the generic point of $\operatorname{Spec} \mathbb Q[X_1,X_2]/\mathfrak p$ is precisely $\mathfrak p$, so that, according to ($\ast$), the variety $W=V=V(\mathfrak p)$, which is not true, since $(i,-1)\in V$ but it is clearly not a generic zero of $\mathfrak p$.
Another easy example example is when $n=1$ and $f=X^2+1$. Then $V$ consists of two points, namely $x=\pm i$. Since $\mathbb Q[X]/(X^2+1)\cong \mathbb Q(i)$, both points are generic, i.e. every point of the variety is a generic point. What does it mean?