This is the first part of exercise 4.2 from Eisenbud's "Commutative Algebra" textbook. The problem is:
Let $R$ be a domain containing a polynomial ring in one variable over a field, say $R \supseteq S = k[t]$. Show that if $R$ is a finitely generated $S$-module, then $R$ is free as an $S$-module.
The relevant chapter of the book, chapter 4, deals with integral extensions, the Cayley-Hamilton theorem, Nakayama's lemma, lying over and going up, Jacobson rings and the Nullstellensatz, so it's likely Eisenbud has a solution in mind involving at least one of these.
One thing I tried was viewing $R$ as a quotient $\frac{k[x_1,\ldots,x_n]}{J}$ for some $n$, so that $J$ is prime and contains a monic in $x_n$ (by Proposition 4.1 of the book), and seeking to show that $J$ is of the form $\langle p_2,\ldots,p_n\rangle$ with $p_i\in k[x_1,\ldots,x_i]$ monic. However this has proved difficult and now I'm not sure if it's even true.