Let $G=\mathbb{Z}\oplus \mathbb{Z}$ with generators $a,b \in G$. We can define cell complexes $[a,b]$ and $[a|b]$ as I did in the images below. For example, $[a,b]$ is simply the 2-simplex with edges labelled by $[a]$, $[b]$ and $[ab]=[ba]$ and vertices labelled by $[\;]$.
However, in the end I would like to identify cells with the same label/color (respecting the orientation!). A reversed orientation is indicated by a minus sign. For $[a,b]$, $[a|b]$ and $[a,a]$ you can see the result on the right hand side.
Note that $[a|b]$ is the solid torus, for simplicity I drew just its boundary.
Now, I'm not very good in topology, so I have two questions:
- What kind of 3-fold do we get after identifying cells of the cell complex $[a|a]$ (see picture below)?
- What kind of 3-fold do we get after identifying cells of the cell complex $[a|b]+[b|a]$ (see picture below)?
EDIT: I believe that $[a|a]$ and $[a|b]+[b|a]$ are lens spaces since we glue solid tori together, but I'm not sure which ones.
Please feel free to ask, if some part of my question is too vague. I hope that the pictures are self-explanatory, but maybe I'm wrong.
EDIT: I added a picture of $[a,a]$ above. Here's another one:
It's quite easy to see how to turn it over, but then I don't understand how to glue both copies together.