All references/definitions are from Hatcher.
Suppose I have two path-connected, locally path-connected, and semilocally simply-connected spaces $X$ and $Y$ and I want to enumerate the $n$-sheeted path-connected covering spaces of the wedge sum $X\vee Y$ up to isomorphism (considering basepoints). My question is: in general, what would the $n$-sheeted covering spaces of $X\vee Y$ look like, specifically in terms of $X$ and $Y$ (or covering spaces thereof). Assume we have concrete descriptions of what all the path-connected covering spaces of $X$ and $Y$ look like, but nothing beyond that about $X$ or $Y$ themselves. Can it even be done in this case?
My own thoughts: An $n$-sheeted covering space of $X\vee Y$ would necessary contain $n$ liftings $\tilde x_0$ of the wedge point $x_0$. Near each of these points $\tilde x_0$ would be some neighborhood that "looks like" the some neighborhood of the wedge point of $X\vee Y$. This makes me feel like the an $n$-sheeted covering space of $X\vee Y$ would look like some sort of chain or graph of $X$'s and $Y$'s. (Or maybe it's chains/graphs of $n$-sheeted covering spaces of $X$ and $Y$? Not exactly sure here.). Is my intuition correct?
Some other potential variations of the question that I am interested in (although including answers to these are by no means necessary in any answer to this question):
- What could we say about the $n$-sheeted covering spaces if we only knew the fundamental groups of $\pi_1(X)$ and $\pi_1(Y)$, rather than the path-connected covering spaces of $X$ and $Y$ (beyond the fact that the fundamental groups of these covering spaces would be of index $n$ in $\pi_1(X\vee Y)$)
- What if we only knew the $n$-sheeted covering spaces of $X$ and $Y$ or only the universal covers of $X$ and $Y$, instead of all path-connected covering spaces of $X$ and $Y$?
- Among our conditions that $X$ and $Y$ be path-connected, locally path-connected, and semilocally simply-connected, which of those could we discard without any major change in the context of this problem?