I was reading the classification of the circle actions on closed $2$-surfaces (which is connected, compact with no boundaries), but the author left some key details to the reader, here is a problem I met (where we denoted by $M$ the surface):
The orbit space $M/S^1$ of a principal $S^1$ action is a circle, and the equivariant tubular neighborhoods have the form $S^1\times\mathbb{R}$
I have no idea how to prove this claim, I know that since the action is principal, each orbit is a $S^1$, and I guess the $M$ could only be a torus $\mathbb{T}^2$ in this case.
Here is the explanation of the "principal action":
In the case of compact Lie group action on a connected compact manifold $G\times M\longrightarrow M$, each orbit $G.x$ will correspond to a conguation class of subgroups, called the orbit type, namely $(G_x)=\{gG_xg^{-1}\}$, which means all the isotropy Groups of that orbit are contained in that class, where $G_x$ is the isotropy group of point $x$.
A well-known theorem states that, the union of all orbits which have same orbit type $(H)$ is a submanifold, namely $M_{(H)}$, if it is dense in $M$, then we call an orbit of this type a principal orbit, another theorem states that any action of a compact Lie group acts on a connected compact manifold has a principal orbit, if all the orbits in the action are principal, we call it a principal action.
In our case, $S^1$ is an Abelian compact Lie group, and a principal action implies all the orbits are homeomorphic to $S^1$.