We have two given circles (highlighted green in the illustration below). The center of the first circle is $A=(x_A,y_A)$ and its radius is $r_a$. The center of the second circle is $B=(x_B,y_B)$ and its radius is $r_b$.
How can we calculate the center $C=(x_C,y_C)$ of circles which touch the two given ones (as the highlighted orange circle does)? Possibly there exists two curves on which infinitely many center points of such circles lie:
- one curve on which center points of "small circles" (like the orange) lie
- one curve on which center points of "big circles" lie (big circles that encompass the two green cicrles)
Here is what I tried: Draw a straight line $AB$ and then mark two points $A'$ and $B'$ with distance $r_C$ each from the periphery of the two given circles on the straight line.
How can I find a simple formula (or even a implicit curve) for the center $C$ of the desired circle(s)?