'Pointed sets' are not explicitly defined in the book and I have posted some instances of where they are mentioned according to increasing page number.
Chapter 1
Page 19 (As far as I know, this is the first mentioned of pointed set in the book)
Chapter 2
Page 64
I understand the construction in Chapter 1 page 24: Example 3.8, as well as the answer given here why does unique identity make groups pointed sets?, but I feel that the accepted answer does not address the reason as to why the uniqueness of the identity makes 'groups pointed sets' in the sense of Example 3.8 on page 24 (Assuming uniqueness of the identity is relevant at all).
- According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pointed_set , a pointed set is just a pair $(X,x)$ where $X$ is a set and $x\in X$. But I'm not sure if this is what Aluffi means for otherwise, why does he mention in Chapter 2 page 43 right after proving that the identity is unique in any arbitrary group that this 'makes groups pointed sets' in the sense of Example 3.8 on page 24? So to me it seems that the author is suggesting that the uniqueness of the identity is a contributing factor to groups being pointed sets? But on the other hand considering Example 3.8 does not suggest anything about the requirement of uniqueness in the context of groups. So is uniqueness of the identity in groups important in establishing that groups are pointed sets?
- https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/pointed+object defines pointed object $X$ to be an object equipped with a global element $1\to X$ where a global element is just a morphism from a terminal object $1$ to $X$. A pointed set is the defined to be a pointed object is $\mathbf{Set}$. Now if I take this definition of a pointed set then every non-empty set in $\mathbf{Set}$ is a pointed object, which isn't quite what the author had in mind when compared to Example 3.8? Or maybe I didn't understand the definition given on nLab. Is it possible to show via example that this definition in nLab is indeed equivalent?
- To complicate things further, if I use the definition in nLab then in Chapter 2 page 64 $\text{Hom}_{\mathbf{Grp}}(G,H)$ being a pointed set does not make sense to me since I don't even know what category this is in as an object. So what does Aluffi mean by 'pointed set'? What made $\text{Hom}_{\mathbf{Grp}}(G,H)$ a pointed set? Is it merely that it's not empty, or is there something 'special' about the trivial morphism that makes $\text{Hom}_{\mathbf{Grp}}(G,H)$ into a pointed set? At this point, I don't even know what pointed set means anymore and I feel perplexed at this point.