I am confused as to whether complete lattices are empty while reading the following article:
Complete Lattice
A complete lattice is a partially ordered set $(L,\leq)$ in which every subset of L has a greatest lower bound (glb) and a least upper bound (lub) in L. The lub of the empty set is denoted by $\bot$ and glb of the empty set is $\top$. It follows that a complete lattice is never empty.
The author just stated that "The lub of the empty set is ... $\bot$ and glb of the empty set is $\top$.", and the only subset of empty set is itself, so every subset of it does have a lub ($\bot$) and glb ($\top$), and it should be complete according to this definition. I may be missing something obvious, but
Why is it stated that empty set is not complete here and elsewhere?
-- Edit --
From the answers so far, my understanding is that the statement in question was really stating that the underlying poset of a complete lattice is non-empty.
A further question is, is this non-empty assertion unnecessary?
Since a poset is defined on a set with an ordering, the poset is never empty by definition (e.g. even empty the set has a non-empty powerset). Why is it necessary to assert whether a complete lattice is empty or not (if all posets are non-empty in this sense).