Indeed, Schrijver [Sch78] proved the following:
Theorem (Schrijver). Let $\text{SG}_{n,k}$ be the induced subgraph of $X_{n,k}$ whose vertices correspond to exactly those $k$-element subsets of $[n]$ that do not contain two adjacent elements modulo $n$. Then $\text{SG}_{n,k}$ is a vertex-critical graph of chromatic number $n - 2k + 2$.
Proof. See [Mat08, exercise 3.5.1], or [Sch78].
Schrijver uses slightly different notation: in his paper [Sch78], $\text{KG}_{n,k}$ denotes the Kneser graph $X_{2n+k,n}$.
Note that we consider subsets that do not contain adjacent elements modulo $n$. So if $A \in V(\text{SG}_{n,k})$ and $n \in A$, then $1 \notin A$.
The above theorem only proves that the vertex set of $\text{SG}_{n,k}$ is inclusionwise minimal among all subsets $S \subseteq V(X_{n,k})$ for which the induced subgraph $X_{n,k}[S]$ has the same chromatic number as $X_{n,k}$, and not that it has minimum cardinality. (I have never seen the term “vertex-critial” refer to smallest number of vertices; as far as I know it always refers to inclusionwise minimal vertex sets.)
[Mat08]: Jiřı́ Matoušek, Using the Borsuk–Ulam Theorem, 2nd corrected printing, Universitext, Springer, 2008.
[Sch78]: A. Schrijver, Vertex-critical subgraphs of Kneser graphs, Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, 3rd Series, volume 26, pages 454–461.