I am trying to figure out the homology of the space $X$, where $X$ is a $T^2$ torus with two discs $D_1,D_2$ glued on the inside (see drawing).
What is the CW-complex structure of $X$?
I thought I would take one 0-cell $p$ and attach four 1-cells $a,b,\alpha,\beta$ where $a,b$ correspond to the 1-cells of $T^2$ in $X$. Then I would attach three 2-cells $A,D_1,D_2$, where $A$ is attached via the identification of the torus and $D_1,D_2$ are attached to $\alpha,\beta$ respectively. So we get the chain complex $0\to\mathbb{Z}^3\to\mathbb{Z}^4\to\mathbb{Z}\to0.$ Is that the right approach?
What are the boundry maps on the chain complex?
My try: The differentials $d_0,d_1$ are both zero as there is only one 0-cell. The Space is path connected thus $H_0(X)=\mathbb{Z}$. But what about $d_2: \mathbb{Z}^3\to\mathbb{Z}^4$? Is there a problem with the approach?