A permutation of the numbers $1,2,3,\dots,n$ is called cute if there is exactly one number that is greater than its position. For example, $1,4,3,2$ is a cute permutation (when $n=4$) because only the number $4$ is greater than its position. How many cute permutations there for a fixed $n$?
The problem is from a local math contest. Here is my attempt in solving the problem:
I've noticed that if $p_1,p_2,\dots,p_n$ is a cute permutation where $p_k>k$ then for all $i\neq k$, we have $p_i\leq i$. But I don't think this is helpful in finding the number of cute permutations.
I also tried for small values of $n$ by listing all the possible permutations.
For $n=2$, it's easy to see that there is only one such permutation.
For $n=3$, I found $4$ permutations.
For $n=4$, I found $10$ permutations.
From here it seems to me that the the number of cute permutations is $\binom 22+\binom 32+\dots+\binom n2$. But I couldn't find a way to show that.
So, how to solve the problem? And what happens if we call a permutation less cute if there are exactly two numbers that are greater than its position? Can we solve in general?