Definition 8.16. Let $\mathcal{E}$ be a category with all finite limits. A subobject classifier in $\mathcal{E}$ consists of an object $\Omega$ together with an arrow $t : 1 \to \Omega$ that is a "universal subobject," in the following sence:
Given any object $E$ and any subobject $U \to E$ (injective, but mse doesn't support tikzcd), there is a unique arrow $u: E \to \Omega$ making the following diagram a pullback:
It is easy to show that a subobject classifier is unique up to isomorphism: the pullback condition is clearly equivalent to requiring the contravariant subobject functor, $$\mathrm{Sub}_{\mathcal{E}}(-): \mathcal{E}^{op} \to \mathbb{Sets}$$ (which acts by pullback) to be representable, $$\mathrm{Sub}_{\mathcal{E}}(-) \cong \mathrm{Hom}_{\mathcal{E}}(-, \Omega)$$
It is easy to go left to right, but I'm having trouble going the other way, from the isomorphism of the two functors to the desired UMP.