To be more precise, this is essentially a tautology of many-sorted FOL where $ℝ$ is a sort and $+$ is a function-symbol with signature $ℝ^2→ℝ$, that can be proven via 2 applications of the =elim rule. (See here for a complete set of rules for many-sorted FOL.)
Some people might say that we can instead use one-sorted FOL and treat "$∈$" as a relation-symbol (i.e. 2-input predicate-symbol), and treat "$∀x,y{∈}ℝ\ ( \ x+y∈ℝ \ )$" as short-hand for "$∀x,y\ ( \ x∈ℝ ∧ y∈ℝ ⇒ x+y∈ℝ \ )$". This is technically possible, and is how one can show that many-sorted FOL can be translated into one-sorted FOL. However, in my opinion we actually use many-sorted FOL in practice.
Note that "$∀x,y{∈}ℝ\ ( \ x+y∈ℝ \ )$" is not a tautology in one-sorted FOL, so it is needed as an axiom if you use a foundational system based on one-sorted FOL and wish to write down a list of axioms for $ℝ$. However, if you use many-sorted FOL it becomes a design choice; you can either stipulate the output sort (as I did above) or you can still keep this axiom.
Note also that if you ask for the first-order theory of the real structure $⟨ℝ,0,1,+,·,<⟩$, then "$∀x,y{∈}ℝ\ ( \ x+y∈ℝ \ )$" is not even in the language, and instead you just have that any interpretation with structure $⟨ℝ,0,1,+,·,<⟩$ would map "$x+y$" to a member of $ℝ$, just by definition of "interpretation". But people don't want to talk about interpretation of axioms when teaching real analysis, as we simply want to use the axioms instead of having an intervening interpretation layer. So it makes sense to just write down sentences in the foundational system that capture both the language, of which "$∀x,y{∈}ℝ\ ( \ x+y∈ℝ \ )$" is an example, and the axioms, such as "$∀x,y{∈}ℝ\ ( \ x+y = y+x \ )$" (for axiom "$∀x,y\ ( \ x+y = y+x \ )$").
Furthermore, for real analysis the first-order theory of the reals is insufficient, as we need a second-order axiomatization, which sits squarely in the foundational system. This is one big advantage of using many-sorted FOL (as in my first link), since a second-order axiomatization can be trivially expressed in two-sorted FOL and so expressing it directly in the foundational system allows us to invoke the set-existence axioms of the foundational system.