Today, as I was flipping through my copy of Higher Algebra by Barnard and Child, I came across a theorem which said,
The series $$ 1+\frac{1}{2^p} +\frac{1}{3^p}+...$$ diverges for $p\leq 1$ and converges for $p>1$.
But later I found out that the zeta function is defined for all complex values other than 1. Now I know that Riemann analytically continued this function to fit all complex values, but how do I explain, to a layman, that $\zeta(0)=1+1+1+...=-\frac{1}{2}$?
The Wiki articles on these topics go way over my head. I'd appreciate it if someone can explain it to me what analytic continuation actually is, and which functions can be analytically continued?
If the function diverges for $p\leq1$, how is WolframAlpha able to compute $\zeta(1/5)$? Shouldn't it give out infinity as the answer?