Let $f:Y \to X$ be an affine bundle (for example, the total space of a vector bundle) and $s: X \to Y$ be a global section. Given any locally free sheaf $E$ on $Y$, is $E$ isomorphic to $f^*s^*E$? Roughly, I would think this is true as there should be a morphism from $E$ to $f^*s^*E$ (locally given by the canonical map from $M$ to $M \otimes_{A[X_1,....,X_n]} A \otimes_A A[X_1,...,X_n]$ given by $m \mapsto m \otimes 1$, where the first morphism $A[X_1,...,X_n] \to A$ sends $X_i$ to 0 and the second morphism $A \to A[X_1,...,X_n]$ is the canonical inclusion). Furthermore, applying $- \otimes k(y)$ to this morphism will keep it injective, which will imply that the cokernel of $E \to f^*s^*E$ is flat. By rank argument this would imply the two locally free sheaves are isomorphic. Is this correct? Probably, there could be some gluing issue.
NB. If necessary, assume that $X$ is non-singular and the underlying field is $\mathbb{C}$.