I am interested in the $n^{\mathrm{th}}$-order central difference of an expression $f$. The general form of the $n^{\mathrm{th}}$-order central difference is given by
$$\delta_h^n[f](x)=\sum_{i=0}^n(-1)^i {n \choose i}f(x+(\frac{n}{2}-i)h).$$
For odd $n$, the central difference will have $h$ multiplied by non-integers, which can often be problematic. According to this Wiki article, the problem can be circumvented by taking the average of $\delta^n[f](x-\frac{h}{2})$ and $\delta^n[f](x+\frac{h}{2})$.
What does that actually mean? Does this mean that I adjust the generalized formula from $f(x+(\frac{n}{2}-i)h)$ (only this part?) to e.g., $\delta^n[f](x-\frac{h}{2})$? And if so, $i$ is just a bookkeeping device. For example, for the third order difference, does it mean that I use the generalized formula for $i = \{0,2\}$ and the adjusted formula for $i = \{1,3\}$?
I know, of course, that it is also possible to use the explicit formula for, e.g., the third derivative. However, I am interested in the application of the generalized expression.