I'm new to these concepts. Just curious from an engineering point of view. I'm using this definition of the fractional order derivative:
$D^{\alpha}f(x)=\frac{1}{\Gamma(1-\alpha)}\frac{d}{dx}\int_0^x \frac{f(t)}{(x-t)^\alpha}dt$
I know that $D^0 e^x=e^x$ and that $D^1 e^x=e^x$ so my very little understanding makes me believe that any $0<\alpha<1$ should give me an exponential... if fractional-order operators provide smooth operators that are somewhat in between. Yet the fractional-order derivative seams to yield a different function, with a vertical asymptote in $x=0$.
I implemented the fractional order operator with the following Mathematica code:
FractionalD[nu_, f_, t_, opts___] :=
Module[{x},g=(f /. t -> x);
Integrate[(t - x)^(-nu - 1)g , {x, 0, t}, opts]/Gamma[-nu]]
FractionalD[mu_?Positive, f_, t_, opts___] :=
Module[{m = Ceiling[mu]},
D[FractionalD[-(m - mu), f, t, opts], {t, m}]
Below you may find in purple $e^x$, $D^\alpha e^x$ in blue with $\alpha=2/90$, in orange with $\alpha = 2/9$, in green with $\alpha = 8/9$ and in red with $\alpha = 89/90$.
It appears that with $\alpha ->1$ the fractional-order derivative finds it hard to get rid of that asymptote and restore its appearance as a first-order derivative.
Is my understanding of the meaning of a fractional order derivative wrong?