I noticed some unusual result errors when numerically integrating using a TI-84 Plus CE. This answer explains that the TI-84 uses a 15-point Gauss-Kronrod method with a maximum error of $10^{-5}$ to perform numerical integrals.
I first noticed the errors when comparing different integral methods for solids of revolution. Using the so-called "shell method", I got the correct answer to within the provided precision. $$ \int_{1}^2 2\pi y [(\sin^{-1}(1-\frac{y}{2}))^2 - (\sqrt{2y}-2)) dy \approx 2.985917356 $$
However, the "washer method" for the same volume took much longer to integrate and produced an incorrect result: $$ \int_{\sqrt{2}-2}^0\pi[(\frac{1}{2}(x+2)^2)^2-1^2]dx\ \ + \ \int_0^{\frac{\pi^2}{36}}\pi[(2-2\sin(\sqrt{x}))^2-1^2]dx\approx 2.985917088 $$ [For reference, the exact result for both should be $$ \pi^3\frac{5}{36}+\pi^2\frac{7\sqrt{3}}{6}+\pi\frac{8\sqrt{2}-79}{10}\approx2.985917356 $$ which matches the "shell method" result to within the available calculator precision.]
The absolute error between the correct answer and the incorrect answer is $\approx2.68\times10^{-7}$. This is pretty good and in fact better than the advertised $10^{-5}$ bound on the absolute error.
However, I got curious, and I managed to isolate the error in the second calculation to just the term with the $(2-2\sin(\sqrt{x}))^2$ in it. Doing a variable substitution changes the integral to $$ \int_0^{\frac{\pi}{6}}2\pi u(1-\sin(u))^2du $$ which actually fixes the lack of precision and aligns the numerical result with the correct answer.
From here, I tested a few more integrals of various sorts and discovered that exotic radicals (i.e. negative fractional powers and large denominator powers) consistently produced noticeable errors - and took a lot longer to do it! - whilst even complicated trigonometric and inverse-trigonometric integrals did not. Here are two interesting examples:
$$ \int_0^{128} x^{\frac{2}{7}}dx \approx 398.2222228 $$
However, the exact answer of $398\frac{2}{9}$ is produced to within calculator precision with the equivalent integral $$ \int_0^27x^8dx\approx398.2222222 $$ an error of $\approx6\times10^{-7}$.
Additionally, the calculator finds after a lot of labor $$ \int_0^4\frac{1}{\sqrt{x}}dx\approx 3.999994424 $$ which differs from the exact answer of $4$ by $\approx5.6\times10^-6$.
Obviously, the calculator is performing as advertised and suppressing the absolute error to below $10^{-5}$; however, it does beg the questions:
Why does the numerical integrator struggle so much to do integrals with unusual radicals? And why do the results have much bigger errors than other types of integrals? Are radical expressions just harder to integrate in general?
EDIT: Inspired by the comments, I investigated several other integrals in which the lower bounds were not exactly $0$. In all cases (even for very small lower bounds), the calculator had little difficulty producing the exact result. Moreover, the integrals of $\ln(x)$ and of $\sqrt{x}$ and of $\sin^{-1}(x)$ from $0$ to $1$ showed the same sort of errors. This suggests that the difficulties with all of the examples given in the main post stem from the slope being undefined at one of its bounds.
This now leads to a perhaps more focused question: Why is that an issue for the numerical integrator?