Let $A$ be an $n\times n$ symmetric matrix and let $l_1,l_2,...,l_{r+s}$ be $r+s$ linearly independent $n\times 1$ vectors such that for all $n\times 1$ vectors $x$ we have
We have to prove that $rank(A)=r+s$.
I cannot think of any approach to this problem.
By plugging $e_i$ in $x$ I am getting
How can I obtain $rank(A)$ from the above equations?
Edit: As @angryavian answered, then A can be written as $$A=\sum_\limits{1\le i \le r} l_il_i^T - \sum_\limits{r+1 \le i \le s} l_il_i^T$$
we know that if $A,B$ be $n \times n$ symmetric matrix with $x^TAx=x^TBx$ for all $x \in \mathbb{R}^n$ then $A=B$.
Using the above information it remains to show that $$\sum_\limits{1\le i \le r} l_il_i^T - \sum_\limits{r+1 \le i \le s} l_il_i^T$$ has rank $r+s$.
How do I show this?