I am studying tensor networks and tensors. A commonly described operation is the tensor product (denoted by $\otimes$) which is a generalization of the outer product (as I understand it). It makes sense to me that the outer product of two tensors of order 1 (i.e. vectors) is a matrix (tensor of order 1+1 = 2). And I can compute it by hand by doing $v u^{\text{T}}$, which helps cement what is going on when we perform this operation.
I am trying to extend my understanding to the tensor product of a matrix and a vector. I think it should result in a tensor of order 3. But how do I actually compute it? For example, if we take a 2 by 2 matrix $A$ and take the outer product with a 2 by 1 vector $b$ I'd think what I should get is a tensor, maybe two 2 by 2 matrices (each one a "page" of the tensor). If I try to do that in MATLAB using kron
I get a 4 by 2 matrix (i.e. a tensor of order 2, not 3). And I've not found any formulae that show how you would perform this by hand.
I'd appreciate any insight or hints.