You can achieve this with Mathematica but there are a few problems that must be overcome, and I'm not sure about Wolfram Alpha.
DiracDelta[x] returns $0$ for all real values of $x\ne 0$, but remains un-evaluated at $x=0$. But DiscreteDelta[x] can be used in place of DiracDelta[x] to show the integrated magnitude of the DiracDelta[x] function.
The Plot function doesn't necessarily plot the discrete points of interest, but the DiscretePlot or ListPlot function can be used instead. The real impulses are at multiples of $\pi$, but the imaginary impulses are at discrete integers, but the real and imaginary impulses can be plotted on separate graphs and the Show function can be used to combine the two graphs.
Assume the function is defined as follows:
(1) $\quad$ f[$\omega$_]:=-($\pi$(DiscreteDelta[$\pi$-$\omega$]-I DiscreteDelta[$\omega$-1]+I DiscreteDelta[$\omega$+1]+DiscreteDelta[$\omega$+$\pi$]))
The function f[$\omega$] can then be plotted with the following statement the results of which are illustrated in Figure (1) below where the strictly real part is plotted in blue, the strictly imaginary part is plotted in orange, and the horizontal dashed grid-lines are at $\pm\pi$.
Show[Plot[{f[$\omega$],$\pi$,-$\pi$},{$\omega$,-5, 5},PlotRange->{-4,4},GridLines->Automatic,PlotStyle->{Thick,{Gray,Dashed},{Gray, Dashed}}],
ListPlot[Table[{$\omega$,Im@f[$\omega$]},{$\omega$, {-1, 1}}],PlotStyle->Orange,Filling->Axis,FillingStyle->Thick]]
Figure (1): Illustration of Formula (1) for f[$\omega$]
Another way to achieve this is to use an analytic representation of the discrete delta function $\delta_d(x)$ such as formula (2) below where the evaluation frequency $f$ is assumed to be a positive integer and $N$ must be selected such that $M(N)=0$ where $M(x)=\sum\limits_{n\le x}\mu(n)$ is the Mertens function:
(2) $\ \delta_d(x)=\underset{N,f\to\infty}{\text{lim}}\left(\frac{1}{2 f}\sum\limits_{n=1}^N\frac{\mu(n)}{n} \left(\sum\limits_{k=1}^{f\ n}\left(\cos\left(\frac{2 \pi k (x-1)}{n}\right)+\cos\left(\frac{2 \pi k (x+1)}{n}\right)\right)-\frac{1}{2}\sum\limits_{k=1}^{2 f\ n} \cos\left(\frac{\pi k x}{n}\right)\right)\right)$
Substituting $\delta_d(x)$ for the DiscreteDelta[x] functions in formula (1) above leads to the following.
(3) $\quad f(\omega)=-(\pi(\delta_d(\pi-\omega)-i\ \delta_d(\omega-1)+i\ \delta(\omega+1)+\delta_d(\omega+\pi$)))
Figure (3) below illustrates the real and imaginary parts of $f(\omega)$ defined in formula (3) above in blue and orange respectively where formula (2) is used to evaluate the $\delta_d(x)$ functions in formula (3) and formula (2) is evaluated at $N=39$ and $f=8$. The discrete evaluation points are at $\omega=\pm 1$ and $\omega=\pm\pi$, and the dashed gray horizontal grid-lines are at $\pm\pi$.
Figure (3): Illustration of Formula (3) for $f(\omega)$ evaluated using formula (2) for $\delta_d(x)$