The overall problem is to establish, which binary operations on a two-element set $A=\{a, b\}$ are commutative and associative. There are 16 of them altogether, obviously, analogous to operations on Booleans: $$ \begin{array}{c|c|c|c|c|c|c} & x & y & O_1 & O_2 & ... & O_{16} \\\hline P_1 & a & a & a & a & ... & b \\\hline P_2 & a & b & a & a & ... & b \\\hline P_3 & b & a & a & a & ... & b \\\hline P_4 & b & b & a & b & ... & b \\\hline comm. & & & + & + & ... & + \\\hline assoc. & & & + & + & ... & + \\\hline \end{array} $$
The case of commutativity is simple, it is enough to check if $a*b=b*a$, so to check that $P_2$ and $P_3$ are both the same. It also yields a perfect symmetry:
$+ + - - - - + + + + - - - - + +$
But the associativity is not that straightforward in terms of the algorithm and does not seem to produce any pattern. There is no well-ordering property of A, so it seems the induction does not lend itself to it.
I did not come up with any simple approach to prove associativity, so I have composed a simple Python code to exhaust all the combinations:
a = "a"
b = "b"
A = (a, b)
for i in range(16):
Ops = {
(a, a): b if (i//8)%2 else a,
(a, b): b if (i//4)%2 else a,
(b, a): b if (i//2)%2 else a,
(b, b): b if i%2 else a
# test associativity: x * (y * z) = (x * y) * z
assoc = True;
for x in A:
for y in A:
for z in A:
yz = Ops[(y, z)]
x_yz = Ops[(x, yz)]
xy = Ops[(x, y)]
xy_z = Ops[(xy, z)]
if x_yz != xy_z:
assoc = False
print(i, Ops.values(), assoc)
It produces the following output:
$+ + - + - + + + - + - - - - - +$
There seems to be no pattern here. But the ratio of associative operations is 50%, just as of the commutative ones.
I have perused several useful answers related to this topic, namely:
Number of associative binary operations
Ratio of associative binary operations
What I understood is that there is no simple proof (algorithm) for checking associativity, especially if we take a larger underlying set. (Or is there?)
Secondly, the ratio of associative operations will decrease with the growth of the underlying set.
Associativity is somehow related to idempotence, i.e. operations, where $a*a=a$ and $b*b=b$. Namely, associativity occurs more readily, where idempotence holds.
My questions are:
Is there a non-obvious pattern in the incidence of associative operations?
Is there an inductive or other style of proof for associativity when the underlying set growth beyond a binary set? (not just a brute-force approach I did)