I saw the notation $\operatorname{Proj}_A S$ for a ring $A$ and a graded $\mathbb{Z}^{\geq 0}$-graded ring $S$ being used in Ravi Vakil's notes on Algebraic Geometry. I first came across the notation at the start of $\S 17.2$. Since $S$ does not have any underlying $A$-algebra structure, I do not know what this subscript notation actually means. I was also unsuccessful in finding the definition in his notes.
My best guess is that $\operatorname{Proj}_A S$ is in fact $\operatorname{Proj} (S\otimes_\mathbb{Z}A)$ considered in the natural way over $\operatorname{Spec} A$. Is this correct, or is it something else?
to format $\operatorname{Proj}$. I've made this upgrade for you this time. $\endgroup$