I'm confused by the relationship between the notions of zero stability and absolute stability in numerical analysis. Consider the leapfrog method given by:
$y_{k+2} =y_k + 2hf(t_{k+1},y_{k+1}) $
It is known that this method has stability region $S=\{z \in \mathbb{C} | Re(z)=0, |Im(z)|<1\}$, where $z=\lambda h$. Therefore no step size $h>0$, however small, will cause the numerical process to remain bounded when applied to the test problem $y' = \lambda y$, meaning:
$max_{k\geq 0}|y_k - \tilde{y_k}|= \infty$ for any $h>0$
However, the characteristic polynomial associated with this method satisfies the root condition, and therefore it must be zero stable, meaning there exist strictly positive constants $h^*, K$ such that:
$max_{k\geq 0}|y_k - \tilde{y_k}|<K max_{k\geq 0}|w_k|$ for $0<h<h^*$
Where $w_k$ are input errors at step $k$.
Given these definitions, it seems impossible for a method to be zero stable but not to remain bounded for any $h>0$. What am I missing?