Given a $3\times3$ matrix "A" which is written below, find the geometric multiplicity (GM) of the largest eigenvalue of "A". $$\begin {bmatrix} a&2f&0\\ 2f&b&3f\\ 0&3f&c\\ \end{bmatrix}$$ $a,b,c$ and $f$ are real numbers and $f$ is non zero.
If I choose $a,b,c$ distinct and $f$ very small , I get $3$ non intersecting Gershgorin discs which imply that all three eigenvalues are distinct. In this case, I get the geometric multiplicity to be one. But for other cases is it possible to find the GM from the given data? The matrix is real symmetric and hence orthogonally diagonalisable. How do I exploit this property to conclude the problem?