I am currently reading Logic in Computer Science Modelling and Reasoning About Systems (by Michael Huth & Mark Ryan). They introduced a fairly easy way to form conjunctive normal form (CNF) of an unknown formula using its truth table (p. 57):
There is one scenario in which computing an equivalent formula in CNF is really easy; namely, when someone else has already done the work of writing down a full truth table for φ. For example, take the truth table of $(p\to\neg{q})\to(q\lor\neg{p})$ in Figure 1.8 (page 40). For each line where $(p\to\neg{q})\to(q\lor\neg{p})$ computes F we now construct a disjunction of literals. Since there is only one such line, we have only one conjunct $\psi_1$. That conjunct is now obtained by a disjunction of literals, where we include literals $\neg{p}$ and $q$. Note that the literals are just the syntactic opposites of the truth values in that line: here $p$ is T and $q$ is F. The resulting formula in CNF is thus $\neg{p}\lor q$ which is readily seen to be in CNF and to be equivalent to $(p\to\neg{q})\to(q\lor\neg{p})$.
However I cannot get the point when they come explain why the method is correct (p. 57-58):
Why does this always work for any formula $\phi$? Well, the constructed formula will be false iff at least one of its conjuncts $\psi_i$ will be false. This means that all the disjuncts in such a $\psi_i$ must be F. Using the de Morgan rule $\neg{\phi_1}\lor\neg{\phi_2}\lor\dots\lor\neg{\phi_n}\equiv\neg{(\phi_1\land\phi_2\land\dots\land\phi_n)}$, we infer that the conjunction of the syntactic opposites of those literals must be true. Thus, $\phi$ and the constructed formula have the same truth table.
May I ask why we can directly conclude $\phi$ and its CNF equivalence have the same truth table just by using the above information?