I'm working through "Lecture on Kahler Geometry" by Andrei Moroianu, and am stuck on Lemma 11.7 (p. 85).
The lemma says:
For every section $Y$ of the complex vector bundle $(TM, J)$ the $\overline{\partial}$-operator, as a $TM$-valued $(0,1)$-form is given by
$$\overline{\partial}^\nabla Y (X) := \frac{1}{2} (\nabla_X Y + J \nabla_{JX}Y + J(\nabla_YJ)X)$$ where $\nabla$ denotes the Levi-Civita connection of any Hermitian metric $h$ on $M$.
The proof starts by proving the Leibniz rule, recalling that $(\overline{\partial} f) (X) = \frac{1}{2} \partial_{(X+iJX)} f$, then
$$(\overline{\partial}^\nabla f Y)(X) = f \frac{1}{2} (\nabla_X Y + J \nabla_{JX}Y + J(\nabla_YJ)X) + \frac{1}{2} ((\partial_Xf)Y + (\partial_{JX}f)JY) = f \overline{\partial}^\nabla Y(X) + \overline{\partial}f (X)Y$$
My question is how $\overline{\partial}f (X)Y = (\frac{1}{2} ((\partial_Xf)Y + (\partial_{JX}f)JY))$ when we're given $(\overline{\partial} f) (X) = \frac{1}{2} \partial_{(X+iJX)} f$?
Any help would be greatly apperiated.