Let $R$ be a commutative ring with identity. We know that a polynomial ring $R[x]$ is a PID if and only if $R$ is a field. (You may check the proof here.) The ring of formal series $R[[x]]$ satisfies a similar property with a similar proof. Meanwhile, when it comes to the Laurent polynomial ring, it is true that if $R$ is a field, then $R[x,x^{-1}]$ is a PID. (The proof can be found here.)
Is it true that $R[x,x^{-1}]$ is a PID if and only if $R$ is a field? (In other words, does the converse hold?)
Yes, unfortunately we can't use the factor ring $R[x,x^{-1}]/\langle x\rangle$ since $x$ is a unit in the Laurent polynomial ring. Does the converse still hold in this case? Thank you very much.