I have a set of vector fields $v_1, \dots, v_n$. For each couple of indices $i$ and $j$, the commutator $[v_i, v_j]$ is linear in $v_i$ and $v_j$, i.e. there are two scalars $a$ and $b$ such that: $$ [v_i, v_j] = a v_i + b v_j $$
Here, by "scalar", I mean that $a$ and $b$ are functions of the place, i.e. they depend on the position. They are not constant all over the manifold.
If I'm not wrong, this is not a general property of vector fields. Does it have a name? Are there known properties of such a set?
I can add that the $v_i$ are as many as the dimension of the space; moreover, they are linearly independent point by point. Are there further properties in this case?