
Is it mathematically correct to write the primitive of a function in this way : $F(x)=\int f(x)dx$

or should we absolutely change the variable name : as in $F(t)=\int f(x)dx$ ? (that is : not use the same variable inside the integral)

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ The first one is better form. Even better: $F(x) = \int f(x)dx + C$. For example, $$\cos x = \int \sin x \space dx + C.$$ The second one is more appropriate for definite integrals, for example $$F(t) = \int_a^t f(x)dx.$$ $\endgroup$
    – D_S
    Commented Mar 6, 2021 at 16:51

1 Answer 1


$F(x)=\int f(x)dx$ is very common. So you will never convince everyone not to do it.

However $F(t)=\int f(x)dx$ is worse. The RHS does not reveal what the variable is.

Some peculiar people may write $F = \int f$, which is OK as far as variables are concerned.

Related: Do not write $F(x)=\int_0^x f(x)dx$. That has $x$ used for two different things in the same formula.

But it is OK to write $F(t)=\int_0^t f(x)dx$. This time the RHS does reveal what the variable is.

  • $\begingroup$ Thank you for your kind explanations. $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 6, 2021 at 17:02

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