I will provide a picture and go into detail, but need my notations first - as in the following picture:
Let $\Delta ABC$ be the given triangle. Let $A'$, $B'$, $C'$ be the mid points of the sides respectively opposed to $A$, $B$, $C$. We denote by $A_-$ and $A_+$ the two division points ($\ne A'$) to the left and to the right of $A'$ on the side $BC$, then use similar notations for the other sides,
so that we have
A_-A'&=A'A_+=xBC=xa\ ,\\
B_-B'&=B'B_+=xCA=xb\ ,\\
C_-C'&=C'C_+=xAB=xc\ ,
where $x$ is one and the same proportion. We can let it be general,
in the OP it is $\displaystyle \color{blue}{\frac1n}$.
Let $A^*$ be the intersection of the cevians $BB_+$, $CC_-$, and the median $AA'$.
Let $A^!$ be the intersection of the cevians $BB_-$, $CC_+$, and the median $AA'$.
Similarly we construct $B^*$, $B^!$; $C^*$, $C^!$.
The OP is immediately solved if we answer the following questions:
- Which is the position of $A^*$ on the segment $GA$?
- Which is the position of $A^!$ on the segment $GA'$?
(Try to get it on your own.) Applying Menelaus in $\Delta AGB'$ w.r.t. the line $BA^*B+$, and w.r.t. the line $BA^!B_-$ we have:
1 &=
\frac {A^*G}{A^*A}
\frac {B_+A}{B_+B'}
\frac {BB'}{BG}
\frac {A^*G}{A^*A}
\frac {\frac 12-x}{x}
\frac 32\ ,
&\text{ so }\qquad
\frac {GA^*}{GA}
\frac {4x}{3-2x}\ ,
1 &=
\frac {A^!G}{A^!A}
\frac {B_-A}{B_-B'}
\frac {BB'}{BG}
\frac {A^!G}{A^!A}
\frac {\frac 12+x}{x}
\frac 32\ ,
&\text{ so }\qquad
\frac {GA^!}{GA}
\frac {4x}{3+2x}\ ,
&\text{ so }\qquad
\frac {GA^!}{GA'}
\frac {8x}{3+2x}\ .
Similar computations can be done for $B^*$, $B^!$, and $C^*$, $C^!$.
This gives the proportions of areas:
\frac {\color{magenta}{G}\color{blue}{A^*}}{\color{magenta}{G}A}\cdot
\frac {\color{magenta}{G}\color{blue}{B^!}}{\color{magenta}{G}B'}
\frac {4x}{3-2x}\cdot
\frac {8x}{3+2x}
\ .
This is also the final answer since the medians cut the triangle $\Delta ABC$ in six smaller triangles of same area. This matches the claimed formula.
Here is also explicitly the situation $n=4$:
We have placed
- on $GA$, $GB$, $GC$ points to illustrate $GA^*:GA=2:5$ (and similar proportions for the other two segments),
- on $GA'$, $GB'$, $GC'$ points to illustrate
$GA^!:GA'=4:7$ (and similar proportions for the other two segments).